How should you plan for managing and coordinating spontaneous volunteers

Despite the best planning efforts with NGOs and other entities, spontaneous volunteers are likely to self-dispatch to the incident scene. If both internal and external organizations do not plan for these volunteers, they will not be engaged effectively, and the situation can get out of control.

A well-planned strategy for engaging spontaneous volunteers can change a potential problem into a benefit for the:

Benefits of Engaging Spontaneous Volunteers (2 of 2)

When well planned for, spontaneous volunteers have:

To ensure that spontaneous volunteers are used to the best possible purpose, they must be managed effectively.

Planning should always include the Volunteer Program Coordinator and all organizations participating in volunteer management.

Principles of Managing Spontaneous Volunteers (1 of 2)

Managing spontaneous volunteers is based on the principles shown below and on the next screen.

Principles of Managing Spontaneous Volunteers (2 of 2)

Other principles for managing spontaneous volunteers include:

Including Spontaneous Volunteers in the Volunteer and Donations Management Annex

The principles should be incorporated into a plan for managing spontaneous volunteers. The plan will help direct spontaneous volunteer efforts effectively. A spontaneous volunteer plan is valuable in other ways as well. It ensures that all who have a role in spontaneous volunteer management are:

Working from and adherence to a written (and exercised) plan can also limit the jurisdiction’s/agency’s liability in the case of injuries to volunteers.

Plan Purpose and Contents

In an emergency, decisions and communications need to be made quickly and information must be released quickly and efficiently. To make volunteer management easier, the plan should:

Plan Purpose, Assumptions, and Risk Management Strategy (1 of 2)

The plan purpose, assumptions, and risk management strategy establish a context for plan implementation. These sections of the plan should:

Plan Purpose, Assumptions, and Risk Management Strategy (2 of 2)

Additional information that should be contained in this section of the annex includes:

Public Education Strategies

The plan also should provide a strategy for educating the public between emergencies. The strategy should:

VRC Activation Procedures

A VRC may not be required in all emergencies but should be planned for nonetheless. In larger emergencies or disasters, a VRC can serve to organize the volunteer response by:

The plan should include guidance to prepare one or more agencies to activate and operate a VRC and who can authorize VRC activation.

Planning for VRC Operations

Based on past emergencies, there are several important operational issues to take into account when planning for VRC operations. These issues include:

Establishing a VRC (1 of 2)
When activated, VRCs should be established as described in the spontaneous volunteer management plan. It is quite possible that some variance from the plan will be required based on the circumstances surrounding the emergency, the number of spontaneous volunteers, and other factors. The plan should serve as a starting point, though.
Establishing a VRC (2 of 2)

When an emergency requires activating the VRC, activation must occur quickly and efficiently. Procedures for establishing a VRC should be developed jointly with stakeholders, in advance of any disaster or emergency, and agreement should be reached on:

VRC activation should be approved by agency or organization leaders and included in volunteer agreements. Procedures should be incorporated into a Volunteer Management Annex to the Emergency Operations Plan and exercised as part of the jurisdiction’s overall response plan.

Site Selection

Site selection for the VRC is extremely important. Any site under consideration as a VRC should:

Empty stores may make good VRCs.

VRC Resources

Large or wide-scale incidents will draw a large number of spontaneous volunteers. The VRC will require considerable resources to process the flow efficiently. The next several screens will describe needed resources.

VRC Staffing

Adequate staffing is critical to effective management of spontaneous volunteers. Every VRC staff position should be considered carefully and filled with individuals who have trained and exercised for the job.

Note that other positions may be needed, depending on the volunteer turnout.

VRC Equipment Needs

The VRC will need specific equipment to ensure proper volunteer intake, registration, assignment, safety, and demobilization. Resource availability and deployment times (by organization) should have been covered during plan development and will include:

Other equipment may be required as well. Check the resource list for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for other equipment suggestions.

Risk Management and Safety (1 of 2)

Risk management and safety present challenges for volunteer and emergency management at incident sites. Most incident sites are dangerous places, and volunteers who are onsite to respond and assist must be protected from harm.

Risk Management and Safety (2 of 2)

Because volunteer safety and risk management are paramount, it is crucial that volunteer programs develop, implement, and adhere to safety policies. Some policies that can help keep volunteers safe are listed below.

VRC Documentation

Because VRCs manage spontaneous volunteers who provide life safety and sustainment services, volunteer hours can be used as an offset against the grantee’s cost share requirement for FEMA reimbursement.

To provide accurate costs that may be eligible for reimbursement, the jurisdiction should record the hours served by spontaneous and affiliated volunteers doing work that is eligible for FEMA reimbursement. These costs are eligible as part of the non-Federal share or local match for Federal reimbursement.

The only acceptable ways to determine the value of a volunteer is to determine the:

Documenting Volunteer Accomplishments

Recognition by the jurisdiction for a job well done helps retain volunteers and encourages them to affiliate with recognized organizations.

Documentation of voluntary accomplishments also can be used to support grant proposals and increase the perceived value of the volunteers to the community.

Volunteers can be recognized in any number of ways. Common recognition methods include:

Regardless of how volunteers are recognized, a senior elected or appointed official should participate in the event.

Demobilizing the VRC (1 of 2)

When the influx of spontaneous volunteers subsides and remaining volunteers can be managed by the organization responsible for the VRC from its regular office or directed by long-term recovery organizations, the VRC can be demobilized.

Demobilization should take place in accordance with the spontaneous volunteer management plan. The decision to demobilize should be made among key stakeholders, and a date should be determined several days in advance of beginning the closure.

Demobilizing the VRC (2 of 2)

The steps required to demobilize the VRC usually include:

Managing Volunteer Stress (1 of 2)

Stress is part of everyone’s life. Stress is usually compounded in an emergency situation. During the course of performing their assigned duties, some volunteers may witness scenes that cause extreme stress reactions, including:

Also, disaster response work often takes place under less than ideal working conditions. Long hours and skipped meals can contribute to volunteer stress.

Managing Volunteer Stress (2 of 2)

There are steps to take before, during, and after an emergency to manage stress.

Each activity undertaken to mitigate volunteer stress is part of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM).

Lesson Summary

This lesson introduced you to:

The next lesson will summarize the course and prepare you to take the final exam.